Endless application after the next, rejection seems endless! Even wanted ads for gogo dancers need experience. Soon pimps aren't going to hire just any prostitutes. They are going to require references, resumes, and a free demonstration. Times are hard, even pimps need to make a living. One of my friends suggested me to apply to this newspaper - I declined. Not just because it's in north jersey but b/c it is far... okay, maybe it has to do with the fact my arch nemesis is the editor to it as well. So, sue me. Hey, I rather carry my dignity than to ever go crawling to her for help. She helped herself enough when she decided to be sneaky and move on to my left overs which were still warm.
courtesy to hoboken411.com
For the sake of not having this sound like teenage problems, I'll move on.
My father had even jumped in the pool of trying to find me a job. Which is great b/c I only have a couple of months (month and a half) before I run out of money & move back home with the parents. Every college grad's worst fear. I refuse to give in - that is until I really run out of money. Donations, anyone? Anyone? I'll make it worth your while! :D I'm lying. I've been applying to places in New Brunswick along with New York, and Newark. If anyone can hack into my e-mail, they would only see a bunch of outgoing applications dating 4 months back. I have an exciting life. Of course along with those e-mails, a lot of notices form my credit card that I need to pay asap before they take my dog as collateral.
Seriously, people. If the economy is so bad, STOP POSTING WANTED ADS! Giving us hope & then snatching it away is not cool. Plus, it puts a downer in our self esteem & worth!
courtesy to gabrielweinberg.com
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