Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"I'll spread my wings & learn how to fly."

Today was pretty productive. I went on campus to hold a private meeting with Monir and Rafal and came to a big decision... that will probably turn into a bigger fight, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Spoke to my adviser for some assistance in looking for employment. He referred me to a website to check out job openings. The only problem is I need (would like) to find a job by Princeton, NJ. I wanted to work in New York but my "uumph" isn't as strong as I thought. My main concern is to move out. My personal life WILL suffer if I stay at home and frankly, when I am away from home, I get along better with my mom. My worries are leaving my parents alone and my dogs alone. My parents are 50+ and both work jobs that require manual labor then come home to take care of large dogs, cook, and clean. I guess I am thinking the "American" way and have left some of my Latina background behind. Usually, the girl stays home until she becomes engaged, whereas I, want to move out before ever going into a serious relationship that involves being "tied down".

Anyway, back on topic, I did get a website that I will start looking through tomorrow. I also had the chance to go to the Arts building and check out some information for my news story. It's been a while since I have written for the news section so it has to be good... or else my own managing editor will have my head. What's wrong with this picture o.0? I got some information but still have a while to go. Tomorrow along with looking for an apartment with my brother, I'll be making calls and interviewing who I need to. 

At least I had a good birthday weekend before I have to work. I finally went paintball again and it was great!
I'm the midget in center after the games were done. 

I'll try to blog tomorrow about something of significance!

courtesy of gallery.drfaulken.com

I'm sure if anyone is reading this post, this is the expression they have. That's alright... I do too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

S.O.P.A (not just Spanish for soup!)

January 18, 2012
"Tell Congress: Please don't censor the web!"

courtesy of Google.com

This is what will happen to the web. 

courtesy of Google.com

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I remember that song

When the past comes back to haunt you, what do you do?

Everything has been going so well... do you flaunt it?

Yes. Yes, you do.

courtesy of wordpress.com

Sunday, January 8, 2012

For anyone ever bullied

Amanda Cummings was 15 years old when she committed suicide by jumping in front of a bus after being tormented constantly by BULLIES. After she passed there her bullies continued to harass her through facebook by mocking her action. No sympathy. No remorse. No justice. I went on Revolver mag's website and saw an update of Shinedown's new song Bully. It instantly reminded me of Rise Against's Make It Stop. Anyone being bullied, especially CHILDREN should watch both videos and listen to the lyrics and always remember, "No one's gonna cry on the very day you die. You're a bully." - Bully, Shinedown

Shinedown - Bully

courtesy of loudwire.com

Rise Against - Make It Stop (September's Children)

courtesy of google.com

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

25 candles

My birthday is coming up this month on the 28th and I have no idea what I want to do. Some people want me to hold a huge party at a location mostly to dance and drink in, but my brother told me about some paintballing event being held on my actual birthday. I went paintballing last year over summer (along with camping) and it was fun. I lasted a good five minutes but it was still pretty sic. I was terrible. Chance loves it and I believe my brother never went. I am sure I can probably go paintballing but I can rest assure it will be mostly boys celebrating with me than girls since most girls I know aren't big on getting bruises.

On the other hand, I have been wanting to go dancing, what girl doesn't want to? I have to weigh out who will want to go paintballing and who will want to go to a location. I can't find a place that is cheap but still fun to go to. I would love to go to Lana lounge in Hoboken but money is expensive and dress code is required. At least paintballing is easy and it's only from 1pm-4pm.

Decisions, decisions...

Every time I play paintball
courtesy of 9gag.com

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Up yours, allergies, leave me alone.

courtesy of MDjunction.com

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Turn the page and wash your hands

Happy New Year!
I spent yesterday mostly at home getting ready to go down south to my brothers. We ended up going to a friend's party. I didn't really get too trashed at all especially since I wasn't feeling too great which lead to my absence from my professor's New Year day party. I was def. bummed for that. I was looking forward to going and meeting his wife and two daughters - esp. the one I feel that I would close to which would be Maddy. I'm trying to think what I can do to make it up and meet them.

I'm so tired and I can't wait to get started on the articles. This week I find out if I pass everything and see if I graduate. If I do, I can concentrate on the paper and even more on finding a part time job. It would be pretty rad if I can find a job down south asap. I want to live with my brother for at least two years and maybe move back north to live with Chance. I would love to write in NY, but I want to try some place far from North Jersey and the NY area and find something different on my own somewhere random... that pays decent!

Here's hoping!