Living in the East Coast we are prepared to deal with skin cutting cold and scorching weather; we are not prepared for hurricanes (or earthquakes). I live in front of a park:
This is what my park looked like after the hurricane:
This is my house:
The flooding had just missed me by one house. Sadly, I cannot say the rest of the street to the left was lucky:
My best friend lives around the corner from me, I could have either swam or taken a rowboat to her house. She was fine, no flooding for her. The people down this street were devastated. My family friend lives down the street closer to the park, left side and she said she was evacuated because her house is prone to floods. Not only did her basement become flooded and ruined, her first floor also became flooded as well. Other people had 4-5 feet of water in their basement. Sure, insurance can cover it, but there is no insurance for lost memories. So for everyone who has been talking trash that this hurricane wasn't that bad, PLEASE, come through Lyndhurst, NJ and tell that to those who lost many memories and have damaged property.
Another thing that I was thankful for was this beaver that has been hanging around in front of the park close to my house. It has been hanging around there for a week and I was worried that maybe it would drown (yes, I know what you are thinking). Well, after the storm I went outside to see if it was still there and it was. It was still chowing down on whatever it found that has been keeping it there for a week. I decided to name her Irene. Yesterday I passed by the park and to my surprise there are now two beavers! They must be a pair or something because I saw them waddling close to each other, running, and hopping with each other. My big fear for them is they will wander too close to the street and a reckless driver will hit them :(

courtesy of
That is what I think they look like when no one is watching :3 I love animals. What can I say? =)
There is now a family of beavers in front of my house